Monday, January 27, 2025

It is Enough, by Anne Alexander Bingham

It is Enough
By Anne Alexander Bingham

To know that the atoms
of my body
will remain 

to think of them rising
through the roots of a great oak
to live 
in leaves, branches, twigs 

perhaps to feed the
crimson peony
the blue iris 
the broccoli 

or rest on water
freeze and thaw
with the seasons

some atoms might become a 
bit of fluff on the wing
of a chickadee
to feel the breeze
know the support of air

and some might drift
up and up into space
star dust returning from

whence it came
it is enough to know that
as long as there is a universe
I am a part of it.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

No, Amazon, I do not ever wonder if my reviews are getting noticed. Please do not ask again.

Also, yes, various streaming stations, I AM still watching. Why do you care? If I want to have tv going all day to my empty house I should be able to do it without you bugging me. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

From Everybody Loves Raymond

Ray: So. Mom and Dad starting to get to ya?
Robert: Starting to get to me? They've burrowed into my head and they sit on my brain, poking the backs of my eyes. 

Ray: I want to help you feel better, you know, and this should take care of all your symptoms.
Debra: Except for bitchy, right Ray?
Ray: What do you mean?
Debra: I mean, there's nothing in here for bitchy.
Ray: Probably need a prescription for bitchy.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

History of Magic!!!!!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Interesting Theory

What's your theory on Rey's parentage?

Saturday, December 17, 2016

Star Wars: Rogue One alert. After you read this, you will never be able to unsee it. Don't finish reading until you've seen the movie. Grand Moff Tarkin's face is very Dobby-esque. The first scene I noticed it in was when Tarkin was talking and he kind of crinkled his eye. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

M- m- m- my patronus

I got this notice from Pottermore that I could go in and find out what my patronus is. So I went in on my laptop using Firefox and the animation was jumpy and jerky. The camera was like panning through the trees, and it kind of gave me motion sickness, and the words came across the screen were loading really slow, and half the time one of the words was partially hidden by a tree, and sometimes it was two words and sometimes three, so I was never sure if all the words were showing yet or not. By the time I would click on one, it said I was too slow and had to start over. I tried it in Edge, and the same thing happened. So I had to load Chrome onto my laptop. In Chrome, it was a stationary background and the words all showed on the screen at the same time, and it only asked me three questions, and then it gave me... a dragonfly. My patronus is a bug. Kevin got a West Highland Terrier. Courtney's sister got a deerhound and someone else she knows got another kind of dog. I got a freaking bug! How is that going to keep the dementor's away?????