I'm taking a page from my significant other and venting a bit.
First of all, I hate the little confirmation words you type in on certain websites to prove you're using a valid computer or whatever the reason is. I don't mind typing in the word, but now they're making them squiggly and greyed out and crossed through so you couldn't type in the word if you WANTED to. I hate that!
Second, have you seen the commercial for some cholesterol medication, with the Jarvik heart guy? I swear, he looks like a serial killer. He's almost, but not QUITE as scary as Carrottop.
However, I love the commercial where the baby is talking to the screen and he's saying he invested money or something and used the money to rent a clown, who is in the background, and that he underestimated the creepiness. I LOVE THAT. I have an aversion to clowns (sorry, Scott!). They've always freaked me out and I'm not alone - have you ever seen Poltergeist with the toy clown under the bed? Stephen King's television movie It? Killer Klowns from Outer Space? Hollywood knows.
Oh! I also hate the commercial for Brinks Home Security where the husband and wife are in bed and she hears something and tells him she heard something and he says, "It's our first night in the new house. Do you want me to go check?" I always think, "WELL, DUH, MORON!" He comes across as so patronizing that I love to see him scurry back to the bedroom in fear. All that's missing is for him to shriek like a little girl. And why do we care that they just moved into a new house? Does this mean they were tragically mistaken about their choice in neighborhood? Will Brinks help with that, too?
That's my tirade... for today...
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sarai Vents!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Harry Potter movie updates! :)
'Deathly Hallows' release date set | |||||||||||
Posted By Matthew on 04-25-08 @ 9:16 AM | |||||||||||
![]() ![]() | Coming Soon reports this morning that the first portion of the two-part Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows movie will be released in theatres on November 19, 2010. The second part of the movie is then expected to come out in the summer of 2011. This report has yet to be confirmed by Warner Bros., but we will let you know when we hear more. Update: Warner Bros. has confirmed the release date of November 19, 2010 for Deathly Hallows. |
HBP to be released in IMAX in November | ||
Posted By Matthew on 03-16-08 @ 11:52 PM | ||
![]() ![]() | The IMAX Corporation has announced that the IMAX version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince will be released in theatres on November 21, the same day the film hits regular screens. Richard L. Gelfond, IMAX Co-Chairman and Co-Chief Executive Officer, said that "we expect that as with 'Harry Potter 5,' certain sections of the film such as the finale will be presented in IMAX 3D." We'll let you know when we find out what parts of the movie will be shown in 3D. |
Taken from http://www.veritaserum.com/index.php?a=s&L=10&cid=5
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Dream Big
My next door neighbors have not returned to their house in a while (that I have seen). They were here a couple of times moving stuff out of their house, and now there is a Condemned sign on the front door. I mowed their front lawn once and my other neighbor mowed it twice, but the weeds in the back yard are about waist high now (my other neighbor was in there with his weed whacker earlier today while I was painting the back porch).
I don't know if they're coming back or not. I called the neighborhood association but they didn't know anything about it and suggested I try Neighborhood Code, which is of course closed until Tuesday (by which time I'll forget).
Dad was saying he knew someone who bought land on either side of their house when their neighbors' homes were condemned and that as he recalled the price was not very high.
So my dream - dream, mind you - is that if they aren't coming back and the house is torn down and the land goes for sale that I would buy the land for really cheap and take down the chain link fence between us. Mow the grass, have the bushes and trees removed. There's also a small garage/shed that would have to go bye-bye.
Then, in my dream, I would have my dad build a wooden fence around my new big back yard like he has for their back yard. And I would get a pool! A deck with a pool. I'd have room for my pergola and hammock space and even room for a grill. Lots of space for the dogs to run.
Ah. It's a nice dream. :)
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Bed & Breakfast from Hell
This is a snippet from a story. This snippet perfectly describes my relationship with Chelle:
Chelle was in the first bedroom and bubbled, “I’m going to take this room because it’s sunshiny yellow and happy!” I, in the farthest bedroom, replied, “I’m going to take this bedroom because it’s farthest away from the door where the axe murderer will come in.”
And if you know me and you know Chelle, you know it’s an absolute truth. That brief exchange reveals the way our minds work, and the yin and yang of our friendship.
A few years ago, Mom, Chelle and I went to
Mom and I had stayed at a bed and breakfast called Wakan Cove before, which was nearby (and a lovely place) but when I tried their number and website, both had been disconnected, and the e-mail address bounced back at me, so I figured they must be out of business. There were two bed and breakfasts that came up for an internet search of Long Grove. The first had a website that played this awful rinky tink piano music that made my skin crawl, and I had to go to a different website after a few seconds to get away from it. It also promised lace and dried flowers and all things Victorian, which seemed a little too frou frou to me.
So I visited the other website and it seemed all right. I spoke with the owner on the phone and booked our room and paid the deposit with a credit card.
Now, I had had lots of luck finding bed and breakfasts before. Mom and I went to
The second B&B I stumbled into was this cute place in
The third B&B was when I met Jan in
The fourth B&B was Wakan Cove, where Mom, Mitch and I shared an attic getaway with pine-paneled walls and ceiling. There was a story in every nook and cranny of the place – over here a quiet reading corner with small lamp; over here an old-fashioned dress with hatpins and gloves; over here a lap harp and music stand. Goodness anywhere you looked. Outside was a pool and the lake. We were in town to go to the Lincoln Zoo and see the Cirque du Soleil perform. We wanted to go back just to stay at the B&B.
And then…
The owner called two weeks before the Chocolate Festival and said because of recent changes to
Well, our first problem was that we could not find the cottage. We drove past it and turned around and went back and parked. I said, “This can’t be the cottage, right?” Oh, but it was. Surrounded by knee-high weeds and brambles, it had the look of a place that had not been occupied for a good many years. We walked around and saw the main house and a few more outbuildings and decided that yes, this had to be the place.
Upon opening the door, we were greeted by a washer and dryer and a dark and scary room beyond which contained a variety of equipment, furniture, and a giant cesspool half-full of inky water. We went into the kitchen and were overcome by the smell of water damage, though the kitchen looked reasonably all right. In the living room, we discovered the source of the smell – the ceiling above the fireplace had been leaking, and pieces of plaster were scattered across the mantel. Mold was growing.
The windows would not open because they were old and had strange handles and mechanisms. But they were double-paned and in between the glass lived a variety of spiders and a veritable metropolis of spiderwebs. In fact, spiderwebs also lurked in every corner, under the beds, and on top of lamp shades.
Chelle was in the first bedroom and bubbled, “I’m going to take this room because it’s sunshiny yellow and happy!” I, in the farthest bedroom, replied, “I’m going to take this bedroom because it’s farthest away from the door where the axe murderer will come in.” Chelle rolled her eyes and made a comment to the effect of, “Oh, that’s nice.” But Mom and I exchanged a look. Because we knew. We wondered about the existence of our so-called “hosts” and their motives for bringing guests to their B&B. Were the bodies tossed in the cesspool out front? Kept to nourish the spiders?
We went to the festival and had an over-priced dinner that was not all that good (at a restaurant that did not serve Coke, no less). The tent for the cake exhibit was overflowing so we decided to skip that and went shopping instead. Cute little town, well-kept, but not a lot to do in Long Grove. We discussed our options – should we go back to the B&B? Find a safe hotel? Drive back home and call it a loss? I, as the person responsible for booking the place, felt horrible. Would they ever trust me to find a hotel again?
By the time we got back to the B&B, it was dark. Evening brought a new, rather creepy feeling to what had already been a dismal place. The highway was nearby, but otherwise no homes or businesses were close, and the amusement park across the street was still closed for the season. It was quiet, except for the occasional unidentified noise outside. We turned the television on, desperate to find something cheerful.
When we finally decided to go to bed, Mom asked if she could sleep in my room with me. I said sure. Chelle decided to move from her happy room to the one next door to ours. We heard her skulking about in there and finally we asked, “Chelle, is that you?” She said, “Wooooooooo.”
By this time, Mom and I were beginning to giggle quite a bit. We both have over-active imaginations and we both knew we had over-active imaginations. I attempted to barricade us into the room, so that when the axe murderer tried to get us, we’d have enough time to wake up and realize we were under attack with no escape route. As I made to close the folding door, it fell off in my hand. This brought us to new heights of laughter and tears as I complained about being charged for breaking the door. I managed to get it back on the track and closed it, then stood a chair in front of the door so that when the axe murderer tried to quietly sneak in, not only would he knock the door off the track but he would make the chair squeak on the floor. It was a brilliant plan.
Morning actually arrived. Our hosts visited us with a picnic basket of breakfast goodies. We went back to the festival and found lots of yummy things to buy. I think we ended up going to a movie and out to dinner at a lovely restaurant with excellent food. Then we spent another night in the B&B, older, wiser.
The next morning we had breakfast in the hosts’ home. The hosts were pleasant, the food was good, and we surmised, based on newspaper clippings framed on the wall, that our hosts had been a commercial actor and a photographer who probably managed to earn enough to buy some land and thought it would be nice to run a charming little B&B. Our guess is it took a lot more money and work than they knew, which forced them back into the workplace and gave them little time to clean or maintain the property.
See, our imaginations make up nice stories, too.