Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Get Smart, End Hunger!

I am also sending this to be put in our staff newsletter Shameless Plugs section. I already have a link to it on the right, but it's such an awesome site! :)

Visit http://www.freerice.com/

FreeRice has a word game where you are given a word and four possible definitions. Pick the right one and the site will donate 10 grains of rice through the UN World Food Program to help end hunger. There is no penalty for guessing the wrong definition and if you get one wrong and keep on going, eventually the one you missed will pop up again so you have the chance to get it right! You can play as long as you like and there is no registration needed, no password to remember. And if vocabulary is not your thing, they also have art, chemistry, grammar, geography, math, and four foreign languages. A warning though - it is totally addictive!

From their site: Though 10 grains of rice may seem like a small amount, it is important to remember that while you are playing, so are thousands of other people at the same time. It is everyone together that makes the difference. Thanks to you, FreeRice has generated enough rice to feed millions of people since it started in October 2007. The rice is paid for by the sponsors whose names you see on the bottom of your screen when you enter a correct answer. These sponsors support both learning (free education for everyone) and reducing hunger (free rice for the hungry).

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